Monday, 5 October 2015

Rabat and Mdina

Rabat is an inland town and Mdina is simply the walled city at the core which was the capital of Malta in antiquity. Again, a change of bus at Valletta terminal was required. The outward journey took an hour.

Visitors can indulge in a bit of horse and carriage nostalgia.

A beautiful maison near the rampart.

There was a grand panoramic view to the west of Malta from tbe rampart so I took a sequence. I hope the photo stitching works well when I do it back home.

This museum also doubled as a restaurant. The lasagnette octopus didn't work as well as hoped. Maybe the cook thought that the olives would provide flavour. Sometimes you just have to resort to stock or stock cubes.

Blue from the Segway tour had recounted an interesting news item. It seems that a man had breached his home detention conditions by going to Rabat to buy pastizzi. The outing cost him 250€ in fines. I got the name of the pastizzeria, Crystal Palace, and looked for it in Rabat centre. No luck. Finally with the help of a free WiFi AP, I did a search and got the map coordinates. It was in fact a stone's throw from the bus termimus. I bought a couple each of ricotta and piselli varieties and they were truly yummy.

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